Saturday, March 5, 2016


Hello girls ! ! Today nothing complicated, but a color combination that feels spring! here are the colors I chose:   -base coat , -pastel mint , -pastel blue,  -black ,  -gold  nail polish, - mat top coat.
So my surprise of the day, something I had never really thought is that a nail art can absolutely help you create small optical illusions very nice. A bit like the contouring in Makeup-addict, your nail art can help you create different look  or length. Let me explain: If you ask a dark varnish on all the nail and a clearer line in the center lengthwise, your nails will look more curved, you follow me? V extends your nails quite significantly. I do not know if we really realize in photo, but in life it's obvious! I think in addition to the shape, the colors also play a lot on the lengthening effect, but it is certain that girls with short nails who would like to make them appear longer can try this technique, you will give me your opinion ! (For the tutorial, do not worry everything is going down^^)  

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