Sunday, February 21, 2016


This is a very easy DIY, but the outcome is amazing! I'm going to show you how to make a beautiful and super tumblr henna design inspired phone case! I made this case for an iPhone 5s, but you can make it for any phone you have. I'll be keeping this for myself, but this would make an awesome gift!
All you need is a clear phone case that fits the phone you are making it for and white puffy paint. I got my phone case on ebay for about $2 and I got my puffy paint at Michael's. Basically all you have to do is look up a picture of the henna design you want to replicate on your case and start drawing it with the puffy paint. It's actually easier then it looks, and all you have to do is take your time. If you mess up, use isopropyl alcohol and a paper towel to wipe it off. I recommend letting it dry for about 5 hours before putting the case on your phone. Then your done! I'm super in love with this case!  

Watch this video ^^

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