Wednesday, December 7, 2016

DIY Christmas Room Decor! Easy Decorations For The Holidays! 2016

DIY Christmas Room Decor! Easy Decorations For The Holidays! 2016

Hello everyone! How is it going? Outside the showcases stores  and in every corner of the city is already feel the air of festivity, in fact just a few weeks at Christmas. Then it's time to decorate the room but do not want the usual colorful decorations that are not well for your room or are not your style. However the unique pieces of decoration you like the most cost a lot so I decided to do this tutorial with material that we have in our  house. This make festive and cozy room but still a minimal look. 

What is needed for this tutorial are: 
              1.sheets of A4 paper, 
              3.white thread, 
              7.thin brush. 

What we're going to make is a garland to hang on your wall or you can use the ornaments to decorate the Christmas tree. We will make three elements: 2 ornaments and a string of stars, this DIY is very easy to accomplish in a couple of hours the garland is ready to hang it on the wall. But given that the Christmas spirit is to share and be with the one you love you can benefit  this opportunity to be in the company of your friends, boyfriend / girlfriend, or your family members so the time of realization of the garland is obviously halve. First we have to create  the ornament pattern that we want, I did freehand all the elements of the garland but you can download shapes ornaments that you like from the internet images.
 For the realization of an ornament serves a sheet of paper cut into four pieces and then fold together in half then trace above with pencil following the pattern. After cutting out put together three pieces folded  , applied the glue, put the white thread  as I show in the tutorial and then glued the fourth part and here the first ornament is made. same procedure is done for the second ornament that in apparence looks the same but in reality, is more rounded and squashed. For the stars after  cut out following the pattern , fold in half and then I do the same as I did for ornaments I take three pieces  folded  glue together not forgetting to use a long string enough to contain 3 stars. once finished there is nothing left to do but to assemble the garland leaving a space between an ornament and the other of 5-6 cm. if you want to keep them fixed in place then applied some glue.

I hope you have fun and enjoy the company of your loved ones because what you have create  is a magical atmosphere. If you liked this project diy put thumbs up to let me know that you want other christmas diy. If you want some more clarification about the diy feel free to write below the video I'll reply as soon as possible.
Share this video in your social networks if you can, so it can reach more people, that they may serve as room decor inspiration.
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